A consolidated health system to address concerns of digitalising health records, tracking patient health progress without visiting a doctor concentrating on patients suffering from chronic diseases.
Roles & Responsibilities
UX Research:Research, Competitor Analysis, User Interviews.
Design : Design Lead
Project Context
Jan - Apr 2022
Undergrad Capstone Project
Team : Haripriya, Yogendra
Tools Used
As a part of my graduation requirements, I had to do a full-scale major project. And after much thought with my team members, we decided to pursue digitalising medical records to make it more accessible. The inspiration was personal, my father was suffering from a chronic disease and it was hard for us to manage his medical records, that too records from the past 3 years. After asking around we understood this problem was prevalent and decided on addressing it, with the consent of our faculty guide.
Hari Priya, Yogendra, and I embarked on a significant project journey. Our goal was to enhance the post-doctor visit experience, striving for efficiency, simplicity, and engagement. We particularly prioritized individuals with chronic diseases, acknowledging their unique challenges. Nonetheless, we made sure the design remained equally effective for general users. Our ultimate objective was to create a Consolidated Health Utilities system, hence the name CHUB.
Although we had spoken to a few people to validate the idea, a formal method of understanding was crucial for us to succeed, so we conducted extensive research.
First we conducted a survey to understand the general problems faced by people after visiting a doctor.
The questions were of the following themes.
What problems did people face after visiting a doctor?
What methods did they use to manage hospital reports?
Were there some other pressing problems that they’d like to tell us?
Synthesising the 80 responses, we got the following insights.
The survey results were illuminating. We built upon them towards a set of interview questions. Questions were written generally but contextualised according to the participant. We spoke to 2 doctors, 7 users where 3 of them were associated with patients suffering from chronic diseases.
The questions for doctors were of the following themes.
What were the medical record handling practices?
What are the major concerns that their chronic disease suffering patients face?
What do they think that our system should entail?
The questions for patients were of the following themes.
How do you generally handle medical records?
What are the major problems you face with medical records?
What other problems do they face after visiting a doctor?
A few quotes from the participants
After days of brainstorming and analyses, we turned those insights into something actionable, the result are the following HMWs.
Concept Design and why two solutions
We had to address two sets of users, doctors and patients and it made the most sense to design two different application, each its own entity. After this full scale research this decision made even more sense.
The interviews and multiple uncredited conversations over a period of 4 months gave rise to the current information architecture. We first began with very rough paper sketches and then progressed upwards
Paper Sketches
With a very little clarity, we got down to defining our user flows, once we got somewhere we moved towards information architecture and then towards paper sketches. Finishing paper sketches was a big step, it offered us the clarity we were missing and it put everything in place.
Prototype design and first feedback
Based on the paper sketches we designed the version 1 of the prototypes and tested them out.
After the 1st round of testing, we refined the designs and tested them again. After 6 iterations and numerous modifications to the designs, we ended up at the output shown below.