DilSe Kaam

DilSe Kaam

DilSe Kaam

Redesigning the crowd funding experience for Indian user by making it easier to find products that people trust, catering to diverse audience and offering an easier experience.

A little note

A little note

This project is under an NDA and i can't disclose too much about it. i've linked the product detail page that offers greater insights about the products. If you want to know more about it, please feel free to reach out. I'd love to have a chat about this!!!!! :)



A client approached us with a proposal to design a crowd funding website but wanting to something different that was not already available. This was in the peak of Covid 19 pandemic and crowd funding platforms were already huge. The client only had a proposal, but gave us complete creative freedom as long as we could explain our decisions. This was great for us and we got in.



Research, Strategize and design and end to end product experience for a crowd funding platform with a goal of bringing in uniqueness and offering a great experience, with Indians being the target audience.



How might we design a crowd funding experience that differs from already existing giants, while also ensuring to maintain standards for the Indian audience.



It was challenging to get insights and interviews without going out, but we had to get on with what we had and the whole process took about 45 to 50 days. Here i'd like to point out the importance of diversity in user research once. The audience we had chosen to interview were very diverse, considering this our first industry project we were really diligent and talked to people ranging from 16 to 60 literally and around 5 different professions. This helped us gain insights that we never expected to.

Synthesizing these was another great task. A problem we faced was fundamentally crowdfunding worked the same way everywhere: crowds fund someones work. That being said, now how do we offer uniqueness to this. That was the brilliance in the solution.

Offering a different Experience

While the designs of the interface matter how we present them to the users matters even more. When we define the experience explicitly for them, it does wonders.

Bringing in trust


While exploring how best to offer to a different audience, it came to our attention that trust was a key component for people to put in money. We came up with solutions to address the same.

  • We've separated general communication from updates. If a lawyer wants a document from the client or needs to share some ideas or notes to them separate channels exist for that.

  • A shared calendar exists with hearing dates and all important meetings.

Offering to a different Audience

The interviews told us that people were inclined to fund projects, it was just that they didn't know such a thing existed or didn't like what they found, we fixed this.

  • Lawyers also havea clearly defined permissions system to allow associates to see, handle.

  • A unique link system works to help this as well.

Technical Superiority


As good as the design is, the technical experience makes it better. We came up with a suggestions that made it easier for people to discover products they like and also provide access to diverse population.

  • A guided action experience, a client only does the bare minimum, as guided or requested by the lawyer. Clearly defined affordances, icons to overcome educational barrier.

  • Greatly reduced the need to visit lawyers while staying in loop.



This was our first ever industry project, as i've mentioned like 10 times earlier, but we're really proud of it, especially the user research phase. We successfully managed to what the client asked us and all of the numerous revisions that came after it, lol. But we did it, and this project was one of the greatest lessons i've ever had. !!!!