Questions I'm working on.
How can we precisely understand the various channels and influences that increase dependence on digital devices?
How can we improve life satisfaction in a digital world?
What influences does our society have our digital habits and dependency?
What do our cultural backgrounds have to do with our digital habits?
How do we build communities that help in collective growth of people from various backgrounds and disciplines?
How do we increase awareness about career and educational educational diversity in Indian Students?
Questions I worked on ( they're on a break now, I'll get back to them, lol)
Why are Indian youth obsessed with the first girl they get romantically get involved in?
Why are Indian youth adamant about moving on from a breakup/separation?
A formative definition of digital detox, its necessity and challenges
How are digital rewards impacting habit formation and continuation?
Why is retention hard in digital detox programs?
How do we reduce fraud in online attendance systems?
Internet addictions and interventions.